Hot to trot(ter)

I’ve been hearing people in the food world talk about Pierre Koffmann’s famous pig’s trotters since I started writing about food. Ditto I’ve listened to chefs rhapsodise about Koffmann’s “immense” presence at his legendary La Tante Claire restaurant – whose famously difficult kitchen trained hoards of now Michelin-starred chefs in their own right – years … Continue reading

Tom Kitchin returns to the stove with Pierre Koffmann

Today Edinburgh’s Michelin-starred, Scottish produce championing chef Tom Kitchin takes his place back in the kitchen with the legendary Pierre Koffmann at Selfridges fifth floor pop-up restaurant, as part of the London Restaurant Festival. Kitchin did his time in the kitchen of La Tante Claire back when he was  a young  up and coming chef … Continue reading

Saying hello and goodbye to Franks

Trying to convince friends to spend their Saturday night on top of a multi-storey car park in Peckham is not one of the easiest things we’ve ever had to do. But anyone who’s had the fortune of going to Franks Bar this summer will vouch that it’s possibly one of the best nights out you … Continue reading